Movie Review : Gamer

Just who wouldn't love this guy, Gerard Butler. The big guy in 300. The romantic guy in P.S. I Love You. And now, in 2009, he had two very contrasting movies, The Ugly Truth and Gamer to sway over any males and females who were yet to be fan.

Enter Gamer, now showing in cinema.

This movie had a fantastic concept. Making fun of Second Life and Counter Strike, making fun of nerdies, and making fun of technology.

And making them oh-so-real and frightening.

Imagine you will be playing Second Life and Counter Strike, controlling them like how you do now.

Only, they are real people, and if they die, they die, for real.

Gerard Butler (Tilman/Kable) is a death row inmate, became a character in Slayer (a game ala Counter Strike) to win his freedom, or rather, forced to be a puppet in the game. The rule is that, if he remain undead for 30 matches, he will get his freedom.

And the movie shift to some arguments whether this is appropriate, the way human can be controlled like a puppet. Some big philosophical speeches thrown around. Human no longer had interpersonal interaction. Battles between computer experts and hackers.

All these make a big promise for the movie to be great. I can't sit still, squirming with anticipation. How will this end? Is this another The Matrix (the first one) in making?

But alas, it falls short. Really short.

Not wanting to ruin it for you, suffice to say, the director chose the easy path to end the story.

So disappointing, i felt cheated.

But at least, Gerard Butler made another great effort.

Story line : So promising....

Acting : We only get to see Gerard Butler from the start till the end. Other people are all inconsequential

Fun Factor : I had great fun, until the stupid ending

Value for money : Worth it, even if the ending sucks

Overall : Another great effort screwed, this could have been a great movie. If only they had more foresight, more creativity.

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